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Reinstate Your Driver’s License in Vermont

Important: Vermont law does NOT provide for a “hardship” or “work license”.

SR-22 INSURANCE Information from the State of Vermont

In Vermont, it is illegal for a vehicle to be operated if it isn’t covered by a minimum amount of liability insurance. The minimum amount of liability insurance required is set by Statute, 23 V.S.A. § 800.

Financial Responsibility Insurance
Anyone who violates this law (by operating or permitting operation of an uninsured vehicle) may be issued a (civil) traffic citation which would result in the required payment of a fine, the assessment of points against their driving privileges and/or license, and the requirement that they file Financial Responsibility Insurance with the Vermont DMV.

Financial Responsibility Insurance is a type of liability insurance coverage on an individual (not on a specific vehicle). The person who has Financial Responsibility Insurance is covered to operate any vehicle (whether the vehicle is owned by this person or not).

The requirement of filing of Financial Responsibility Insurance with the Vermont DMV may occur for a number of reasons. You may obtain specific statutory language pertaining to the reasons for this type of insurance requirement by going to the Vermont Legislature’s website and reading 23 V.S.A. §801.

Individuals who are required to file Financial Responsibility Insurance with the Vermont DMV must maintain this type of insurance (on file with the Department) for a minimum of three years. Any time there is a lapse in this type of insurance coverage (for example, if the policy expires and is not renewed, or, the insurance company cancels the policy) the individual is issued a suspension of his/her driving privileges/license. The driving privileges/license are not reinstated until valid coverage of Financial Responsibility Insurance is again on file with the DMV.

The Vermont DMV has very specific requirements regarding the filing of Financial Responsibility Insurance and will accept only certain documents (an SR-22 certificate from an insurance company, NOT from an insurance agent) that are completed in compliance with these requirements. You may obtain specific statutory language pertaining to these requirements by going to the Vermont Legislature’s website and reading 23 V.S.A. §804.

What is an SR-22 Filing?
Drivers convicted of certain violations of law (DUI, driving without insurance, etc.) may be required to obtain an SR-22 Filing to clear a suspension of driver’s license status or to renew their license. An SR-22 Filing serves as proof that a person has obtained the amount of liability coverage that meets the financial responsibility standards set by Vermont law.

How do I get an SR-22? Contact your insurance agent. If you do not have an agent you can locate one in your local directory or by searching online. The agent that you select must have a valid insurance license for the state of Vermont. And the SR-22 must be written through an insurance company that is licensed to do business in the State of Vermont.

How long do I need to carry an SR-22? Three years from the date of the event that caused the requirement of the SR-22 filing. (Example: Operator is ticketed for a DWI on 01/01/2011 and incurs a 90-day suspension that ends on 03/31/2011 the filing is required for three years from 03/31/2011.) If the policy lapses, or is canceled, the insurance company is required to notify the State of Vermont Department of Motor Vehicle immediately and your license will be suspended.

What are the liability limits required to obtain an SR-22 in the State of Vermont? The State liability limits for Vermont are $25,000 per person, $50,000 per accident, and $10,000 for property damage.

What if I am from Out of State and need an SR-22 for Vermont? The company that carries your auto coverage will need to provide the SR-22 to the Vermont Department of Motor Vehicles to secure the driver’s license in your home state. The company submitting the SR-22 filing must be licensed here in Vermont as well as the state that you are located in. To verify that the company is licensed in Vermont, you may contact the Consumer Services Division in the State of Vermont at 800-964-1784.

We recommend you fill out our contact form. Once completed, an SR-22 insurance specialist will call or email you within 24 hours.

Vermont Reinstating Your Driver’s License

Certification of Ignition Interlock Device Installation
Driver License Suspensions
Auto Insurance

The State of Vermont law mandates that every automobile insurance policy sold in the state must have these minimum coverages. The State liability limits for Vermont are:

$25,000 per person, $50,000 per accident and $10,000 property damage.

For additional information please contact

Scheduling an Appointment:
888-970-0357 (this number is for scheduling only)

Vermont DMV
120 State Street
Montpelier Vermont, 05603-0001

Affordable SR-22 Insurance For The Entire State of Vermont, including:
Burlington, South Burlington, Rutland, Essex Junction, Bennington, Barre, Winooski, Montpelier, Middlebury, St. Albans, and Brattleboro

John Woodward
Agency Owner