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Reinstate Your Driver’s License in Nebraska

A Hardship Driver’s License in the State of Nebraska is a limited use license issued by the Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles. The hardship driver’s license allows you to drive a vehicle while your license is suspended or revoked for a drug or alcohol-related offense, DUI, breath test or refusal, failure to provide financial responsibility, or failure to carry mandatory insurance. While your driver’s license is suspended or revoked, you may be eligible to receive a hardship driver’s license. The license will allow you to drive to and from work, doctor visits, and any court date appointments set by the State of Nebraska. While maintaining a hardship license, the State of Nebraska may require you to carry a mandatory SR-22 insurance policy.

We recommend speaking with an attorney about the length of time you will need to carry an SR-22 insurance policy. The typical term is maintaining an SR-22 insurance policy for 3 years. It could possibly call for the policy to last up to 5 years or more. It is mandatory to maintain the high-risk insurance coverage during the time frame that the court mandates. If the policy lapses or cancels for any reason, your license will be suspended, and you typically will have to start the process all over again. The State of Nebraska may also require you to install an ignition interlock device in your vehicle and complete a DUI program. Below we have included information from the State of Nebraska to assist you with this process.

SR-22 INSURANCE Information from the State of Nebraska

If you have been suspended/revoked because of a court conviction, accumulation of points or some other administrative action – which requires you to prove to the State of Nebraska that all vehicles (car, pickup, van, motorcycle, etc.) you own are insured. If you do not own any vehicles, you must purchase a non-owner or operator policy.

The proof of insurance form that the Department of Motor Vehicles requires is called an SR-22 filing. This is the only form of proof of insurance that will be accepted.

It is your responsibility to notify your insurance company, as soon as possible, that you need an SR-22 filing. You or your insurance company will need to mail or personally deliver the SR-22 filing to this office for review – unless the insurance company can electronically submit the filing (which is a computer-to-computer transfer of information). Each insurance company that submits SR filings to Nebraska is required to have a Signature Authorization Letter on file. This letter provides specific instructions that the Department of Motor Vehicles must follow for their company.

The Department of Motor Vehicles DOES NOT ACCEPT FAX or PHOTOCOPIES of the SR-22 filing. In order to accept the filing, it must be completed in full (i.e., name, complete address and identifying information for named insured, it must indicate a valid policy number, name of the insurance company, the effective date and certification effective dates of the policy, and it must be signed by an individual that the company has authorized their signature with the Department of Motor Vehicles.)

Your insurance coverage and the SR-22 filing must be in effect on the date you meet the requirements to reinstate your operating privileges and you must maintain the filing as indicated below (whether you own a motor vehicle or live in the State of Nebraska):

  • Point Revocations – license revocation for accumulation of 12 or more points in less than a two (2) year period. SR-22 needs to be on file for three (3) years from the date eligible for reinstatement.
  • No Proof of Insurance – license suspension resulting from a court conviction for no proof of insurance. SR-22 needs to be on file for three (3) years from the date the ticket was issued.
  • Court Ordered Revocations – license revocation resulting from a court conviction wherein the court ordered the license to be revoked for a specific period of time. SR-22 needs to be on file for three (3) years from the date eligible for reinstatement.
  • Accident Suspensions – license suspension resulting from involvement in a reportable accident. SR-22 only required to be on file the date of license reinstatement.
  • Unsatisfied Judgment Suspensions – license suspension resulting from a civil judgment filed in a court-related to an accident. SR-22 only required to be on file the date of license reinstatement.
  • Default in Payment / Default in Payment – Unsatisfied Judgment – license suspension resulting from defaulting on a written agreement for reimbursement for damages/injuries resulting from an accident. SR-22 is only required to be on file the date of license reinstatement.
  • Employment Drive Permits – SR-22 is only required to be on file until the employment drive permit expires. (If you were revoked for a point accumulation, the SR-22 would be required for an additional period of time as indicated above.)
  • Medical Hardship Permit – SR-22 is only required to be on file until the Medical Hardship Permit expires. Due to the point accumulation, the SR-22 would be required for an additional period as indicated above.
  • Ignition Interlock Permit – SR-22 is only required to be on file until the Ignition Interlock Permit expires IF your vehicle is registered in your name only. If there was a Court-Ordered Revocation, the SR-22 would be required for an additional period as indicated above.

If you have any further questions about what an SR-22 filing is or what you need to do to get one, talk to your insurance agent.

SR-22 requirements if you DO NOT live in Nebraska

If you do not live in Nebraska, the Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles requires out-of-state SR filings to be submitted directly from the home office of the insurance company. You may want to contact our office prior to making a premium payment to see if the company you selected allows out-of-state filings.

If we don’t already have an authorization letter on file for the company you have selected, we would require a cover letter (on letterhead) to accompany the filing if the insurance company does not already have a signed authorization letter on file with the Department of Motor Vehicles. The cover letter needs to be completed as follows:

  • The Authorization Letter must be on insurance company letterhead and be submitted from the home office of the insurance company.
  • The letter must state the company is authorizing the Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles to accept their filing.
  • The letter must state that if the filing would go out of force for any reason that the insurance company would automatically forward the SR26 (notice of cancellation) to the Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles.
  • They must provide a contact name, phone number and/or email address for someone in the Underwriting Department for any issues that arise pertaining to the filing.
  • The authorization letter must be signed by an authorized representative of the company.

We recommend you fill out our contact form. Once completed, an SR-22 insurance specialist will call or email you within 24 hours.

Nebraska Reinstating Your Driver’s License

Application For Nebraska Employment Driving Permit for Point Revocation
Application for Nebraska Employment Driving Permit
Petition for Administrative Hearing Form
Ignition Interlock Permit Form
Affidavit of Lost License
Application for Nebraska Medical Hardship Driving Permit
Letter of Verification

The State of Nebraska law mandates that every automobile insurance policy sold in the state must have these minimum coverages. Nebraska’s minimum requirements for car insurance coverage are:

  • Bodily injury liability coverage: $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident
  • Property damage liability coverage: $25,000
  • Uninsured motorist bodily injury coverage: $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident
  • Underinsured motorist bodily injury coverage: $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident

For additional information please contact

Nebraska State Office Building
301 Centennial Mall South
P.O. Box 94789
Lincoln, Nebraska 68509-4726
Office Hours: 8:00-5:00 CDT (Mon-Fri)

Affordable SR-22 Insurance For The Entire State of Nebraska, including:
Omaha, Lincoln, Bellevue, Grand Island, Kearney, Fremont, Hastings, Norfolk, Columbus, North Platte, Papillion, La Vista, Scottsbluff, South Sioux City, and Beatrice

John Woodward
Agency Owner