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Reinstate Your Driver’s License in Maine

A Hardship Driver’s License in the State of Maine also referred to as a Limited License, is a limited use license issued by the Maine Department of Motor Vehicles. This special Limited License allows you to drive a vehicle while your license is suspended or revoked for a drug or alcohol-related offense, DUI, breath test or refusal, failure to provide financial responsibility, or from carrying mandatory insurance. While your driver’s license is suspended or revoked, you may be eligible to receive a limited license. The limited license will allow you to drive to and from work, doctor visits, and any court date appointments set by the State of Maine. While maintaining a hardship license, the State of Maine may require you to carry a mandatory SR-22 insurance policy.

We recommend speaking with an attorney about the length of time you will need to carry an SR-22 insurance policy. The typical term is maintaining a policy for 3 years. It could possibly call for the policy to last up to 5 years or more. It is mandatory to maintain the high-risk insurance coverage during the time frame that the court mandates. If the policy lapses or cancels for any reason your license will be suspended, and you typically will have to start the process all over again. The SR-22 filing is a certification that you are covered by auto insurance. This is usually required if you have been involved in an accident and had no insurance or if you have been convicted of a serious violation.

Maine’s BMV will only accept an SR-22 from a company that is licensed to sell insurance in Maine. Therefore, if your Maine license is suspended pending an SR-22 and you are attempting to obtain a license in another state, your company in that state must also be licensed to do business in Maine. The Bureau of Insurance is not able to assist you in obtaining out-of-state insurance to meet this requirement for your license. The State of Maine may also require you to install an ignition interlock device in your vehicle and complete a DUI program.

Below we have included information from the State of Maine to assist you with this process.

We recommend you fill out our contact form. Once completed, an SR-22 insurance specialist will call or email you within 24 hours.

Maine Reinstating Your Driver’s License

Work Restricted Driver License Petition Form
Ignition Interlock Petition Form

The State of Maine law mandates that every automobile insurance policy sold in the state must have these minimum coverages:
Anyone who owns or operates a vehicle in Maine must carry at least the minimum amounts of insurance required by law, and proof of this insurance must be presented in order to register your vehicle(s). The minimum required limits are a starting point; these amounts may not adequately protect you. You should consider what amount you will need to protect your assets from claims that may exceed these minimum amounts.

    1. Liability
      Liability insurance covers bodily injury and property damage to others as a result of a crash for which you are responsible. The minimum required limits are $50,000 per person/$100,000 per accident for bodily injury, and $25,000 for property damage. A Combined Single Limit of $125,000 will also satisfy the minimum limit requirement. A serious injury or even lesser injuries involving more than one passenger can quickly exhaust these limits. In addition, many vehicles on the road today are worth more than $25,000. You should therefore think carefully about whether coverage at the minimum limits will adequately protect your assets if you cause a vehicle crash.


    1. Medical Payments
      The law also requires a minimum of $2,000 per person in medical payments coverage; this covers medical expenses incurred by you and your passengers. Limits of $5,000, $10,000, $25,000 and even higher are available at a relatively inexpensive additional cost.


  1. Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist (UM)
    The law requires uninsured/underinsured motorist (UM) coverage at a minimum of $50,000 per person/$100,000 per accident. This coverage protects you and your passengers if the other driver responsible for the accident has no insurance, or if the other driver’s limits are less than your UM limit. Maine law requires your UM limit to equal your liability limit if it is higher than the minimum, unless you reject in writing the higher limit for UM.

For additional information please contact

Bureau of Motor Vehicles
Driver License Services Division
29 State House Station
Augusta, Maine 04333-0029
(207) 624-9000 ext. 52104
TTY Users Call Maine relay 711

Affordable SR-22 Insurance For The Entire State of Maine, including:
Portland, Lewiston, Bangor, South Portland, Auburn, Biddeford, Sanford, Saco, Westbrook, Augusta, Waterville, Brunswick, Orono, Brewer, Presque Isle, and Wayne

John Woodward
Agency Owner