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Reinstate Your Driver’s License in Hawaii

A Hardship Driver’s License in the State of Hawaii is a limited use license issued by the Hawaii Department of Motor Vehicles. This special driver’s license allows you to drive a vehicle while your license is suspended or revoked for a drug or alcohol-related offense, DUI, breath test or refusal, failure to provide financial responsibility, or from carrying mandatory insurance. While your driver’s license is suspended or revoked, you may be eligible to receive a limited license. The limited license will allow you to drive to and from work, doctor visits, and any court date appointments set by the State of Hawaii. While maintaining a hardship license, the State of Hawaii may require you to carry a mandatory SR-22 insurance policy.

We recommend speaking with an attorney about the length of time you will need to carry an SR-22 insurance policy. The typical term is maintaining a policy for 3 years. It could possibly call for the policy to last up to 5 years or more. It is mandatory to maintain the high-risk insurance coverage during the time frame that the court mandates. If the policy lapses or cancels for any reason your license will be suspended, and you typically will have to start the process all over again. The State of Hawaii may also require you to install an ignition interlock device in your vehicle and complete a DUI program. Below we have included information from the State of Hawaii to assist you with this process.

We recommend you fill out our contact form. Once completed, an SR-22 insurance specialist will call or email you within 24 hours.

Hawaii Reinstating Your Driver’s License

State of Hawaii Driver’s License Application

The State of Hawaii law mandates that every automobile insurance policy sold in the state must have these minimum coverages. Here are the minimum Hawaii auto insurance coverage requirements for the legal operation of an automobile in the state:

  • Bodily injury liability coverage: $20,000 per person and $40,000 per accident
  • Basic personal injury protection: $10,000
  • Property damage liability coverage: $10,000
  • Uninsured/underinsured motorist: $20,000 per person and $40,000 per accident*

*Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverages can be rejected in writing.

Having motor vehicle insurance is essential to owning a motor vehicle in Hawaii. Hawaii State law requires that your vehicle be insured throughout the motor vehicle registration period and that you have a valid Hawaii motor vehicle insurance identification card in your motor vehicle at all times. You can be ticketed and fined if you operate a vehicle without the required motor vehicle identification card.

If you don’t have insurance on your motor vehicle, you must surrender the registration certificate and license plates to the county director of finance. And when you do that, you will not be able to drive the vehicle.

Hawaii is considered a “no-fault state”, which means your motor vehicle insurance company will pay the bills for your injuries and your passengers’ injuries up to the personal injury protection benefits (“PIP”) limit. And you cannot sue or be sued unless there are serious injuries. Because “no-fault” applies to injuries, not to vehicles or property, the driver-at-fault in an accident is responsible for damages to the vehicle and property.

Your minimum motor vehicle insurance policy must have protection for you and your passengers of $10,000 per person personal injury protection benefits. This is for paying medical and rehabilitative costs.

Your mandatory coverages also include a $20,000 per person/$40,000 per accident bodily injury liability and a $10,000 per occurrence property damage liability. These cover damages for the injured party when you are at fault in an accident.
Optional coverages and options you may purchase include: collision and comprehensive, uninsured (“UM”) and underinsured (“UIM”) coverages, wage loss, alternative care (including healing methods such as naturopathy, acupuncture and faith healing), death benefits (coverage range from $25,000 to $100,000), funeral benefits, (the coverage is $2,000), PIP deductible and PIP managed care.

Your insurance agent or company must advise you about your uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage options including your right to decline coverage in writing. You may purchase at a minimum $20,000 per person uninsured motorist coverage to pay for serious injury or death if the driver at fault does not have insurance or in case of a hit and run accident. You may also purchase at a minimum of $20,000 per person underinsured motorist coverage to pay if the driver at fault does not have enough insurance.

Your insurance company or insurance agent should help you decide on the best coverages for your individual situation and needs.

For additional information please contact

County DMV Offices and Contact Information

City and County of Honolulu
Maui County
Hawaii County
Kauai County

Affordable SR-22 Insurance For The Entire State of Hawaii, including:
Honolulu, East Honolulu, Pearl City, Hilo, Waipahu, Kailua, Kaneohe, Kahului, Mililani Town, Ewa Gentry, Kihei, Kapolei, Mililani Mauka, Makakilo, and Schofield Barracks

John Woodward
Agency Owner