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Insurance Blog

9 cold weather motorcycle gear tips to help you stay warm

9 cold weather motorcycle gear tips to help you stay warm

As winter descends, many motorcycle riders park their bikes until spring. Two factors often keep riders cabin-bound this time of the year: weather-related road hazards, and the fact that getting cold while riding isn’t very enjoyable. But with the right gear, you can comfortably discover the thrill and natural beauty of winter motorcycle riding. Plan your next cold-weather ride following these nine tips: 1. Choose...

How to change your motorcycle oil

How to change your motorcycle oil

The motor is the heart of your motorcycle, and motor oil is its lifeblood. Oil lubricates your bike’s internal parts and carries away combustion contaminants to be cleaned and collected by the oil filter. Through this process, oil flow also helps cool internal parts, like camshafts and stators—some motorcycles even use oil as a primary coolant. The motor is also the single most expensive system...

Driving Tips for Long Trips

Driving Tips for Long Trips

Setting out on the open road can be an exciting adventure, but you need to plan in advance to avoid fatigue and the risk of crashing. The following driving tips can help you maximize the fun and minimize the risks of embarking on a long road trip. Get a Vehicle Checkup  Before a trip, make sure your car is in good operating condition. At a...

10 basic motorcycle tools to include in your tool kit

10 basic motorcycle tools to include in your tool kit

We motorcycle riders develop a special relationship with our bikes. Our passion for riding often naturally evolves into a desire to become involved in maintaining our bikes. The pride and empowerment of maintaining your motorcycle not only improves your riding experience, it extends out to other parts of your life. If you’re starting out on the road of DIY motorcycle maintenance, you need to gather...

If A Contractor Damages My Home, Whose Insurance Covers It?

If A Contractor Damages My Home, Whose Insurance Covers It?

Homeowners insurance is designed to provide you with financial protection from loss due to theft, disasters, and accidents. But what happens if a contractor causes damage to your home? In this case, your homeowners insurance may help cover the cost of repairs, but will likely seek reimbursement through the contractor’s general liability insurance.  Damage to Your Home From an Accident Caused by a Contractor Although...

John Woodward
Agency Owner